
The latest information in the fight for school libraries and school librarians. Brought to you by Follett and EveryLibrary


The latest information in the fight for school libraries and school librarians. Brought to you by Follett and EveryLibrary

Michigan Legislative Candidates Express High-Level Support for Certified School Librarians in Recent MAME Survey

The Michigan Association for Media in Education, with the assistance of EveryLibrary, conducted a survey of candidates for the upcoming Michigan House and Michigan Senate primary elections to gauge their support for school libraries and school librarians. We received a 12% response rate to the survey. Responses highlighted the importance of school libraries and school librarians with the candidate.

Keeping the Books in Kent School District

We are very happy to share news from Gavin Downing, the school librarian fighting to retain LGBTQ+ books for his students in the Kent School District outside of Seattle, that the school board has finally voted to keep the books on the shelves. It's an important win for student access and the First Amendment in that district and a key campaign against book bans and materials challenges in Washington state.

Chapter 55 Comments are Critically Important Now in Montana

We're sharing an urgent update from Montana Library Association President Angela Archuleta in advance of the next Negotiated Rules Making Committee meetings on 6/16 and 6/17 the State Capitol. Public comments and participation is critically important right now. 

New Jersey Legislators Say Its Time to Invest In Information Literacy

New Jersey lawmakers and school librarians say it’s time for the state to get serious about teaching information literacy as tens of thousands of students have been learning remotely this year through an internet rampant with misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Contact the Montana State Superintendent to Stop Chapter 55 Changes

It's important that the Montana Board of Public Education and the Superindentent of Education hear directly from constituents like you to stop the proposed changes to Chapter 55 ratios of students to school librarians, school counselors, and other electives. 

Opposing the Ratio Change in Montana - School Librarian Campaign

Our campaign with the Montana Library Association campaign to oppose a change to the ratio of school librarians to students is making a difference.

Why Are School Libraries Essential?

(What we do is more than offer flashy technology)

Support Local Control in Administrating State Standards

Anti-obscenity bills are trojan horses designed to subvert local control

Shadow Banning Books in Orange County Schools

Even without any formal request, Orange County School District Leadership has pulled titles by LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC authors off shelves to the detriment of the children they intended to serve. This sets a precedent that any reigning school board can remove books without the public's knowledge based entirely on their political agenda. District Leadership should be transparent. Please attend the board meeting on February 22nd at 3pm in the School Board Meeting Room of the Ronald Blocker Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia Street, in downtown Orlando.

The Vital Role of School Librarians

As a child, I remember going once a week to the school library. Somehow, though I don’t remember when or how, I learned how to use a card catalogue to find books and the general organization scheme that work across most libraries but I’m sure it was my school librarians. For today’s students, many won’t have these memories as school librarians are often the first to go when there are budget issues. While might make the budget work in the short-term, there are long-term consequences that affect the quality of the education children receive.