NJASL Info Literacy Bill in Assembly Education Committee
Good news: The New Jersey state Assembly Education Committee is considering A4169 on Thursday, September 22, 2022. School library activists like you have already helped move the NJASL Information Literacy Bill through the state Senate. Can you help this time?
A4169 requires the New Jersey Department of Education to add an Information Literacy Standard to Student Learning Standards. Our colleagues at the NJASL, the New Jersey Association of School Librarians, are advancing this important legislative solution. Right now, with so many bans and challenges attacking our school libraries and so much misinformation and disinformation rolling our society, this Information Literacy bill is absolutely critical.
We need every school library advocate and stakeholder in the Garden State to send a message to the Assembly Education Committee members to ASK them to vote YES on the bill. We've made it very easy:
1) Send a message to just the Ed Comm members before Thursday 9/22 using the NJASL A4169 SaveSchoolLibrarians campaign page.
2) Share this post on your Facebook feed.
3) Then Tweet this message to activate more advocates: "The NJ Assembly Ed Committee is hearing A4169 this Thursday. Please send a message to pass @njasl Info Literacy. https://www.saveschoollibrarians.org/njasl_infolitbill_2022 @everylibrary"
We are proud that EveryLibrary can support and power this campaign for our colleagues at NJASL. Thanks for taking these quick but important steps to advance the cause.