The Arizona Library Association, the Teacher Librarian Division (TLD) of AzLA, and EveryLibrary ask you to take the “Pledge to Vote YES on Proposition #208” on the Arizona statewide ballot this November 3rd. Proposition #208 is the Invest in Education Act. It is an important and necessary proposal to increase public school funding in Arizona through a 3.5% state income tax surcharge for our wealthiest taxpayers. School library programs and school librarians are in the Act. With hundreds of millions in new funding for Arizona education - and real enhancements to school library programs on deck - we are proud to stand in support of Prop #208 and invite you to join us.
If Prop. #208 passes, 50% of the funding will go directly to hiring and increasing salaries for classroom teachers and instructional support personnel, including school librarians. 25% will be dedicated to student support personnel, including classroom aides. The final 25% will go to teacher and educator professional development and trainings. (See the #InvestInEd website for a complete breakdown.)
If Prop. #208 passes, district public schools can use these funds to hire more school librarians who will create and sustain effective school library programs for students across Arizona. School library programs staffed by state-certified school librarians lead to better outcomes for students of all ages and abilities. School librarians can level the literacy learning playing field for all K-12 students and educators.
But the Invest in Education Act can only pass if voters across Arizona vote Yes. The Arizona Library Association, TLD, and EveryLibrary are supporting Prop. #208 because the funding for public schools in Arizona needs to be fixed. Without this fix, our K-12 students will continue to be underserved. Help make vital new funding for schools a reality. Help create equity of access for students regardless of their zip code.
It is time for Arizona literacy and library lovers and school library stakeholders to help fix the funding for every public school in our state and to increase student and educator access to the work of state-certified school librarians and effective school library programs. If you believe in a future where every student should have access to a professionally staffed school library, you are exactly the kind of library stakeholder we need to step up and help make this opportunity happen.
Please take the next step and sign the “Pledge to Vote YES! On Prop. #208” today - for the sake of our students, educators, families, and communities. Then, share this important education and school library initiative with your own networks, colleagues, families, and friends. Through our collective effort for statewide outreach to the public about Prop. #208, we have an opportunity to chart a better future for K-12 education in our state.
Thank you!

AzLA and TLD are proud to partner with EveryLibrary and its initiative to encourage you to vote Yes on Prop. #208 this November. Paid for by EveryLibrary, a political action committee. #INVESTInEd