Urgent Action Alert: Montana is Five Votes Short of Defeating HB234

We are sharing an urgent call to action from our colleagues at the Montana Library Association. HB234, a bill that would criminalize educators including school librarians is five votes short of defeat in the Montana House. Please help protect school librarians and educators from criminal prosecution under obscenity laws. The vote is Thursday, February 9. Now is the time. 


Your urgent help is needed. HB234 is set to go for a third reading tomorrow.  At this point, we do not have the votes to defeat this bill. Teachers, School Librarians, School Boards, Schools, and School Employees can be criminally prosecuted for books in their classroom or library that are considered “obscene”. This new law would supersede the hard work, professional training, and comprehensive collection development policies that each local school district has created to address the unique needs of their community. This email is a call to action. Click any of the following links for more information and to help our fellow school professionals: Change the tide and make your voices heard!

I need to know the votes during the second reading.

I need to send a message to my representative quickly and easily.

I want to view the bill and see all of the amendments, votes, and associated recorded hearings.  

- Kelly Reisig
Montana Library Association President-Elect & Secretary/Treasurer

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