Students in Delaware and around the United States are not being taught how to navigate media in the information age. Citizens need to understand where information comes from, what information biases look like, and how to make informed choices on their own. Delaware can do something about this shortfall by passing SB 195, a bill to create Media Literacy Standards for Delaware students. SB 195 is under consideration now in the state House - and librarians, education stakeholders, and parents need your help getting it passed.
Please join the Delaware Library Association and dozens of other learning and education stakeholders in asking the state House to move and pass SB 195. Send an email to your state Representative to help improve education for Delaware students here.
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SB 195 has wide support behind it. The bill recognizes that a “greater investment and development of media literacy education is needed to prepare students to make informed civic decisions that affect them, their families, their communities, and their world.” All Delawareans need to be equipped with the skills and tools to understand and interact with a very busy media landscape. If every student can learn the skills he or she needs to navigate the media and information landscape it will help ensure that every Delawarean is prepared for their career and life after school. That’s one big reason that the Delaware Library Association is asking you to contact your state Representative to pass the bill.

Make a $10 donation to help us secure a better education for our students!
The framework for these media literacy standards is rooted in best practices from national organizations like the American Association of School Librarians, the Center for Media Literacy, and the News Literacy Project. The Delaware approach will be integrated across the curriculum in our schools and will improve learning outcomes for all students. As a part of the Pass SB 195 coalition, DLA is invested in seeing school librarians and the Delaware Division of Libraries as active partners in developing and implementing standards-aligned media literacy curricula. Please join librarians and library workers across the state and ask your state Representative to pass SB195.