The School District of the Chathams is cutting school librarians - again.
Please sign this petition today!
If you live in the district, then please attend the school board meeting on April 26th and speak out against our students being denied a school library with a certified school librarian! Click here for more details.
Please share this petition on Facebook And Twitter!
Just ten years ago, the district returned to fully staffing the school libraries, having realized the academic loss of shared school librarians. Administration has decided that these cuts are not a budgetary decision, but based on student population (the current ratio of students to certified school librarian is 650:1, after cuts the ratio becomes 975:1; HS/MS becomes 2300:1). This argument is short-sighted and negatively impacts the staff and students. The community is growing with five new construction projects (for example River Road) and urban relocation. Our enrollment will increase again - soon. Our children will need school librarians.
Make a $10 donation to help us fight for school librarians today!
Every $10 that we raise helps us put this petition in front of 1,000 more Americans.
Our certified school librarians have the education and training to support students and staff across the curriculum. As students return to school full-time, they and their teachers will be looking to reinvigorate learning - reading, research, and independent discovery. The school community will be relying on certified school librarians even more.
Research and data show that students with certified school librarians are better prepared for college and careers beyond high school. School librarians should not be a luxury in Chatham Schools.
Every school building, every Chatham student, deserves a certified school librarian. Please sign the petition today!