Just a day before students returned to class, school officials in Keller ISD instructed campuses to pull any book that was challenged last year from library shelves.
This includes those that were flagged but later approved by a committee to remain in libraries and classrooms such as Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and even the Bible.
Jennifer Price, the district’s curriculum director, emailed principals a set of instructions Tuesday morning, along with a spreadsheet of every challenged title.
“By the end of today, I need all books pulled from the library and classrooms. More information will be sent regarding action for these books. … Once this has been completed, please email me a confirmation. We need to ensure this action is taken by the end of today.” - Jennifer Price
By removing challenged books, school district decision-makers allow well-funded dark money, politicians or the political party in power, and special interest groups to make sweeping changes to school library collections. Our students deserve access to well-curated, age-appropriate, and instructive school library collections.