Fighting Censorship, Supporting Libraries, and Defending Librarians
EveryLibrary is a 501(c)4 organization that fights for libraries whenever and wherever they are threatened. Your donations help us take political action for public, school, and academic libraries.
Every year, we work with dozens of grassroots groups nationwide to fight against censorship and support libraries and librarians in their local communities. We are also actively monitoring anti-library and anti-access legislation and working with local stakeholders to kill or mitigate these bad bills.
Over the last twelve years, we have supported hundreds of library campaigns, fought against bad legislation, and defended school libraries across the country.
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To date, we have helped libraries win nearly 3 billion dollars in funding through voter and political action. In fact, for every dollar we have raised, we have returned over $1,600 in funding to libraries.
That means that a $10 donation helps secure over $16,000 for libraries and a donation of just $1 a month helps secure nearly $20,000 a year!
You can read more about our work in our Annual Report

As a 501(c)4 organization (FEIN 46-1534149), contributions to EveryLibrary are not tax-deductible. However, if you'd like to make a larger tax-deductible donation to the EveryLibrary Institute (our 501c3) to support our research and training for librarians, please visit