The Connecticut Association of School Librarians (CASL) is proud to support SB1271, important new legislation that protects the freedom to read in school libraries and provides necessary legal safeguards for librarians and library staff across the state.
SB1271 helps start an important conversation in Connecticut about safeguarding the freedom to read. While other states are banning and censoring books, we want legislation that supports reading and ensures that school libraries do not exclude books based on the origin, background, or views of the material or its authors - or simply because one family finds such books offensive.
SB1271 would require local school boards and public library governing bodies to establish clear policies for book curation and the removal of library materials, ensuring accountability and transparency. It ensures that librarians and library staff will not be prosecuted for good faith actions performed in compliance with state law, and it creates legal pathways for librarians and staff to seek damages for harassment or defamation resulting from their lawful professional duties.
This bill protects parents, students, librarians, and educators by ensuring that the basic freedom to read is available to readers of all ages in Connecticut. We are grateful to Senator Bob Duff [D] and Senator Ceci Maher [D] for their leadership and commitment to Connecticut's students, libraries, and readers.
How You Can Help: Make your voice heard today! Take a moment to email your state senators and representatives and urge them to vote YES on SB1271. Your support will make a difference in protecting the freedom to read and ensuring the safety and autonomy of Connecticut’s librarians.
Click here to read the full bill text.